National Stop Bullying Day

Shane's Imagine Nation (Anti Bullying Concert)

Today (Oct. 10) is National Stop Bullying Day.

According to National Day Calendar, National Stop Bullying Day is observed annually on the second Wednesday in October, and it's designed to bring awareness of the need to stand up against and put an end to bullying. Being that it is National Stop Bullying Day today, it made me reflect on a concert that I helped MC over this past weekend with my friend Ryan Michael at The Chance in Poughkeepsie. It was a concert called Shane's Imagine Nation, and it was to raise awareness of bullying, and the problems kids deal with when bullied. The Concert featured many talented bands and was organized by a local woman from the area named Sandy who lost her 11 year old son Shane back in April due to suicide. He was bullied by classmates because of his love for Broadway. It's unfathomable that a young boy with his whole life ahead of him would be picked on so much that he would want to end his life. It was an emotional day at this event on Saturday, and I had the chance to meet so many amazing people including including two young kids (Joey and Angel). Joey (a young kid who received a "Hero Award" at the event) and Angel (a well spoken young man who definitely has the gift of gab). Check out video below featuring Angel's speech on Bullying. It's very powerful. #NationalStopBullyingDay Photo credit: Curtis J. Quinn

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