The Greg Douglas "Unscripted" Event will take place at The Chance in Poughkeepsie Sunday, Feb. 17 from Noon-6pm.
Fellow musicians and friends of Hyde Park area singer Greg Douglas will gather together for this special event. Greg recently had to undergo partial amputation of his foot due to complications from diabetes. Proceeds will help ease Greg's medical costs as he recovers. Event will be hosted by Tigman and area funnyman, comedian Dan McRitchie. Music from Four Guys Alumni Vito Pettrocito, Trish and Joe Pallo, Vicki Frank, and Maria Hickey plus members of S.A.T.O., Ceesar Does Bowie with Desaree Colon, The Jason Gisser Band, Steel, Rock Paper Scissors, Tony DePaolo, Mark Adams and The Real Men. There will also be others on hand including Dale Gladstone (charecture artist), Karton Jones (Doc) doing readings, and Sativa Creative Creations doing Henna art. Come out for this great event for a good cause. Call Sandy Viani for tickets at 845-705-2069 and for info click here.